Thursday, February 16, 2012

League of Extraordinary Bloggers - Hollywood Memorabelia

Well the first League group posting was a big success, we have Cool and Collected to thank for that. If your not familiar with the League go check it our here, I'll wait...

Back? Okay, this week's topic:

You have an unlimited budget and space is not a problem. What piece of Hollywood memorabilia would you want hanging around in your batcave?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what would I want? Grandpa's Lab from the Munsters? The Tim Burton Batmobile? To move into the Addam's Family's house?

Let's see....Grandpa's lab... ya'd have to completely renovate my house...add a sub basement and they would just be messy, let alone the fact that it would piss off the townhouse association ( shoulda heard 'em yell when I tried to dig out a secret underground lair in my backyard...buncha babies) so that's out.

The Batmobile, chicks dig the car... of course that'd piss of Mrs. Fink to no end. And that thing is basically a one seater, sure Vicky Vale got in it to but c'mon, the Batmobile with it's corvette inspired manliness is a single man's car and I'm a family Fink, so that's out.

The Addam's Family house... boy that would be sumthin'  course I'd have to move...  naw that's out.

So what would it be? No budget....   anything I want....

All I want is a piece of paper....


that's it....

of course printed on that paper is the legal contract signing over all rights to do so what I wish with the intellectual property hereby designated as the entire stable of Universal Monsters. 

yes... you read that right... I want total control over every aspect of the Universal Monsters, licensing approvals, movie deals, television rights....everything...they are mine....

Tell ya what, Monster Cafe's would be in major cities.... new movies would get made.... a Universal Monster Fighting Game.... there would be merchandise in the FRIGGIN UNIVERSAL STUDIOS THEME PARKS...  

Well that's what I want...  here some of the Fink's friends want lists

Matt Can Draw (Time Bandits)

Now ya'll excuse me, I'm gonna go start the script for House of the Creature


  1. I could sleep easier knowing the Universal Monster franchise is in your hands, Tom! :)

  2. Thirded! Motion passed. Movie monster-dom would be in some very capable hands with this acquisition. ;)


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