Monday, March 19, 2012

Topper Motorized Monster Maker


Every once in a while I come across a monster related toy that baffles me, one that I don't remember seeing anywhere or having my grubby claws on at some point. I recently attended a toy show and one of the items being sold at a table was a large box with the colorful logo reading "Motorized Monster Maker" I made a mental note to investigate it but I had the little monster with me and she was sulking because there were no Monster High Dolls around and I never got back to look at it closer. A little research later and I'm kicking myself in the bolted on ass that I didn't.

Made by Topper Toys of Elizabeth NJ in 1969 and sold in 1969 & 1970 the kits were similar to Mattel's Thingmaker and Creepy Crawlers. Basically you purchased a starter set which included the (very rat fink lookin') Ogre kit and an oven like the Thingmaker. You got two static bodies and one motorized body and the molds and goop to make the head, arms and legs of the monster. You had to purchase the other mold kits separately. If you didn't get enough of Ogre in the starter set, he had a mold kit too. If you used up your 3 monsters and wanted more, you could buy an accessory kit to customize your monster, which did not include the mold (or oven).

There were seven monsters in the line including:

Bobo Bones the Mummy
Resin model of Bobo made from the original molds

original Bobo's box contents

O.G. Ogre - He Swings his club and stalks his prey

Original O.G.

Galaxon - Waves his Laser gun and walks

Repro resin model kit

Dr Shriek - Walks and Takes of his Head

Repro Resin model kit

Willy Weird Wolf - Claws and Stalks

Repro resin model kit

Hairy Harry - Swings his Club and walks

and Robot, an exclusive mold available only at Zayre a now defunct department store

Now as you've probably guessed these things are RARE and EXPENSIVE, finding any information on them is difficult but if I've peaked your interest then make your way to the Facebook fan page for the Motorized Monster Maker (it's where most of my pics came from for the article) and if you want the cheaper (but not by much) repro resin models then make your way to Monsters In Motion.

1 comment:

  1. Really a fantastic toy set, eh? I'd have LOVED this when I was a li'l Monster Guy.


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