Monday, October 8, 2012

Countdown to Halloween - Lego Monster Museum

My uncle had always loved creating monster museums, he'd build elaborate dioramas for his monster figures so that each character had their own little environment that evoked the movie or story the character came from. He had done it with his custom 3 3/4 monsters and had hoped to one day build a dollhouse style museum to house them all in. Unfortunately that dream never happened.

Moving to today and the monster toys we have now some recent purchases have given me an idea... Lego Monster Minifigs plus Minifigs display case equals Monster Museum.... Not that easy though...

Ya see, the Minifigs display cases come in red, yellow and black. Now black was the obvious choice for the subject matter however once getting it home and putting the monsters inside I realized that the relatively dark figures virtually disappear against the black background of the case, but how to fix this? I thought about it and it hit me. When I had the pleasure to visit the Frank Frazetta Monster Museum in Pennsylvania few years back I was amazed at the elaborate scenes they had for each display and I thought, backdrops. So I've started the work on monster specific backdrops - castle and graveyard for Frankenstein's Monster, full moon and gypsy wagon for the Wolf Man, rainforest river for the Swamp Creature. Their still in the prototype stage but as these pics show they ain't too shabby.


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