I love sugar. Not in the oh-everyone-loves-a-good-dessert way. I'm talking full blown stop-in-mid-step-and-take-a-deep-shuddering-breath-when-entering-a-bakery-way.
Which leads me to today's topic - squee! - Halloween Cakes. I love fall and Halloween almost as much as sugar. The combination of the two results in long lost hours as I drool over picture after picture of seasonal cake porn. Anything works too - cutesy pumpkins are as wonderful as full out horror. And the cake flavors themselves honor Sam Hain - spice cake with apple filling, pumpkin with cheesecake frosting and chestnut cake with chestnut frosting (different but yummy).
Cupcakes abound - one fun recipe had a cinnamon cake, apple pie filling, streusel topping and frosting scooped to look like ice cream. The caramel drizzle on top completed the optical illusion of an apple cobbler a la mode cupcake.
I've been known to cake here and there - the first picture on the left is for our daughter's birthday party. She is, of course, an October baby and is very into Monster High (I'm so proud!). The MH pallet doesn't quite contain the colors of the Halloween season but the subject matter led me to cut out stylized stiches for the top tier. (Frankie Stein is Alexandra's favorite!)
When you can use black fondant, monsters and stitches for your 6 year old's birthday party cake, you know you have succeeded as a parent.
The most recent cakey trend is cake pops and they are showing up everywhere (I saw them at Starbucks for pete's sake!). Basically, they are crushed up cake mixed with frosting, rolled into balls, stuck on a stick, dipped in candy coating and decorated to look like skulls, pumpkins, mummies, anything.
Great, now I'm in the mood for cake and all there is in the house is <*crunch *> frozen cupcakes <*crack!*> ...owwww, I think I chipped a tooth!

Awesome! I really like that orange cake with the little grim reaper guy sitting there. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAmazing! This weekend, I picked up the Entenman's cupcakes with candy corn on top. Now they look so insignificant. ;)
ReplyDeleteOMG! I'm so hungry now... ah dastardly delicious Halloweentime! :D